Presented in Partnership by WEKH and Grand Challenges Canada Indigenous Innovation Initiative
WEKH and I3 are proud to cohost an empowering virtual discussion with a gendered perspective on contemporary Indigenous innovation, current Canadian and global innovations, and asking what the future holds.
The event will kick off with an inspiring keynote from Anishinaabe community leader, Diane Roussin: “Bimaadiziwin. How Indigenous knowledge systems and values influence the future of Indigenous Social Innovation”
The audience will then listen to an engaging panel on global and Indigenous innovation, with speakers from Grand Challenges Canada, Innovation Canada, and the Fireweed Fellowship. The panel will be moderated by Justin Holness from Futurpreneur.
- Ashley Richard, Indigenous Outreach and Partnership Lead, Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub
- Sara Wolfe, Director for the Indigenous Innovation Initiative, Grand Challenges Canada
- Diane Roussin, Project Director for The Winnipeg Boldness Project
- Justin Holness, Business Development Manager, Futurpreneur Canada
- Marc Appleby, Senior Innovation Advisor, Innovation Canada
- Christy Smith, Project Manager, Fireweed Fellowship
- Leeat Gellis, Director for Global Health Innovation, Grand Challenges Canada

March 18, 2021
2:00pm-4:00pm (EDT)